Shell Austria GmbH –
Rtailer Engagement Days

To recharge the batteries for a successful year ahead, Shell Austria GmbH traditionally invites its service station partners to the annual kick-off event. Informative presentations about the past and upcoming year, as well as interactive workshops and sector-specific presentations provide an ideal platform for knowledge transfer and networking among the participants and the host. The exclusively designed social program also includes the RED Gala Night with an attractive entertainment program and the awarding of gold and silver awards to the best retailers of the past year.

From 2011 to 2015, WOEHRLE PIROLA was assigned with the conception and implementation of the Retailer Engagement Day, and was thus in charge of all evaluation, coordination and organisation tasks which includes also the application-process of the participants and the entertainment of the gala evening.

Client from/to 2011 – 2015
Implementation 2011 – 2015
Total events 5
Total guests 250/Event
